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Now, What's Your Excuse?

Friday night after work on my way home I took the liberty to stop and take some test shots with this new camera the Lord placed into my hands. These are a few of the raw images that came as a result from that night. Now, in no way am I saying these are the best shots, but just simply test shots while I get familiar with the settings for this particular camera. I'm used to the brand Canon. This camera is another brand unfamiliar to me. And a little out of my comfort zone. Honestly, it was just the fear getting back into the swing of things again. This time I'm embracing the unknown. Why am I sharing this?

Years ago, I stopped doing photography and a little of my graphic design unless I absolutely had to for whatever reason. Even though I went to school for it, I lied to myself that I found no interest and no real use for it. Honestly, I was running away due to the fear that I battled every day. I believed the lies that I wasn't good enough and never will be. I see how awesome my brother is at his gifts and talents as well as my sister. I fell into the trap of comparison. For years this ate me up inside. As well as no one really knowing what I I am truly capable of doing ate me up inside. Anytime I had the opportunity to get my feet wet again, I created excuse after excuse.

This year, the Lord led my spiritual father to give this camera to me. I had JUST been praying to God about this new ministry adventure He laid on my heart, and God put this camera in my hand as a confirmation to RUN WITH IT!

Like I said, I made excuse after excuse. As legit as my excuses were at the time, this time God placed the camera back in my hand and said "What's your excuse now?!"

What's is YOUR excuse now? What seed has God currently placed into YOUR hands this season that will grow and produce fruit in your next? What are you doing with this seed? What has God called and pressed onto your heart this season?

I know the calling may sound crazy maybe even scary.

I know the resources in your hands may not be exactly what you imagined it would be or look like. But remember, He said whoever is faithful with a little will be faithful with much. To who much is given, much is required.

Let us not forget about the servant with the talent who buried it waiting for his master's return. And when he returned he asked each servant what did they do with their talent. Two of them stated how they invested their talents and reaped more. The one servant buried his because he was AFRAID! The master was upset and gave the one talent to the one who had more.

What tools has God given you in THIS season? Let us not sow them sparingly. I believe this is the day and hour that God is raising a new generation of Kingdom Entrepreneurs that are doing it solely for His glory alone! Know that I stand with you and I am praying for your ministry with you!

Listen, if you are on the fence about the Lord's calling, I advise you to seek the Lord. Be intimate with Him and tell Him your fears. Tell Him your concerns. Ask Him to show up. I believe that He will. He will bring the right resources, the right people in the right time. Trust Him!

Someone needs to hear your story! They need your services. They need to hear the messages of God upon your heart and within your mouth. God has placed a special gift within you, and it's time to release it upon the earth!

I'm standing for you, I'm standing with you! I'm cheering you on and I'm Praying for you!

Love you, He loves you more!

God Bless!

Jennifer Rashell

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