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Hearing God: 3 Major Blockers + the TRUTH to set you FREE

It is both a blessing, honor, and a privilege to hear the Lord's voice.

I know we've all seen that meme that have gone viral in the social media world that says, "I wish Jesus would just sit on my bed and and tell me what to do." It wasn't the meme itself that broke my heart, but the comment section. So many people responded how it was true of their lives, and so many atheists/ non-believers were mocking Jesus and the Christians who believed in Him.

But the truth of the matter is that He desires for us to hear Him more than we do. I believe He placed the desire in us so that we may seek Him (Jeremiah 29:13).

He desires to be involved in every part of our lives. He is ALWAYS speaking. The issue has never been IF He is speaking. The issue is WHY aren't hearing Him?

There are 3 major hindrance (blockers) that can cause us not to hear His voice, and I will love to break these down thoroughly and quickly with you.

Let's take a look at John 10:27 and break this down.

John 10:27

"My Sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me"

Blocker #1 UNBELIEF

Satan will lie to you and tell you that you cannot hear God. By believing this lie, you have created a doubt system within you. So, anytime you may have heard God, you immediately begin to doubt it and shrug it off. By believing this lie, you have created a belief system that He just doesn't talk to you or will ever speak to you. But looking at what Jesus said in John 10:27 we see that He speaks another narrative to this story. One that is true. Let's take a deeper look.

Jesus starts John 10:27 by saying "My Sheep". and then He follows by saying, "hear My voice".

The number 1 Lie that the enemy uses is UNBELIEF.

Often times we believe that we cannot hear His voice, or maybe even have the belief that we are unworthy of hearing His voice. So, we assume only pastors, prophets, and apostles hear His voice. Yes, it is true that they can hear Him. But you wanna know who else can hear Him? YOU! Yes, you! Jesus said "MY SHEEP HEAR My voice." He never once said Only My apostles, only My prophets, only My pastors and evangelists, and etc. No that's not what He said. JESUS said MY SHEEP. Are you a part of his flock? Do you belong to Him? Then you have the privilege to hear the Lord just like the Apostles, teachers, pastors etc.

Jesus then follows with "My Sheep" with "HEARS My voice" . As stated above, to first hear Him speak, we must first BELIEVE that we can even hear Him. After that has been settled and resolved in our hearts and mind, let's discuss the many different ways He speaks. Note: It is very important that we DO NOT limit Him, not even to the following list and examples.

  1. Visions and Dreams (Seer Anointing)

  2. Sense of Knowing and Understanding

  3. Revelation and fresh Ideas

  4. Word of God (Bible)

  5. People, Circumstances

  6. Confirmations

  7. Audible Voice/Quiet Whisper

Anything is possible and it is important that we do not limit Him. Limiting God in how He chooses to reveal Himself or to work will cause a way to Hinder the voice and move of God in your life. Remember, He ALONE is God and we are not! We are HIS people!

What are some ways that He speaks to you? Please share with us below!

Note: Remember it may take time to learn what He is speaking to you and that is ok. This is how relationships and intimacy is created. Remember to record what you believe you are hearing, this is a safe place.

Which brings me to the next point.


Jesus then speaks of His sheep (you and I) that not only do we HEAR Him, but that He KNOWS us. THIS IS INTIMACY.

When you get the time , I want you to read Psalm 139 in your secret place with God.

This is one of my favorite chapters of the Bible. This chapter always reminds me just how much He knows me. He knows what makes me happy, sad, upset, joyful, and frustrated. He knows all my quirks. He knows every word BEFORE I speak it. He knows EVERY cry of my heart (even the silent tears.) I was created in His secret place. He knows all the days written about me even while there are still some pages that I haven't gotten to yet. His thoughts for me out number the grain of the sand! He is acquainted with ALL of my ways.

And EVEN THOUGH He knows so much about ME (even more than I know about me), He STILL desires for me to share this life with HIM!

The closer I grow in Him, the more I share my heart with Him, the deeper I grow in intimacy with Him, is the more He reveals His heart to me. The more He reveals His heart the more I learn to hear His voice.

BUT sometimes distractions will ROB me of this nearness/closeness I have with Him. It will try to wedge space between us. The more I am distracted, the more my focus is taken away from Him, to the point all I hear is the noise of this world and the yearning of my own heart for other things outside of Him.

The same can be true for your life.

Distraction is another HUGE hindrance that the enemy will throw and use against us. If he cannot get us to hate God, he will do anything to separate us from God. This is why it is very important that we make it a daily habit of spending time with God in any shape or fashion. This can look in many different ways and also must not be limited. Some of those ways can be but are not limited to:

1. Spend time journaling- Write Your Prayers out to the Lord and listen for His voice. Tell Him what is on your heart? What are you thinking? Be real with Him just like you would with a friend.

2. Meditate, study, and write out your focus scriptures for that day.- What are they currently speaking to you? What drew out to you the most and why? How can this be applied to your life today?

3. Date with Jesus: Make time to spend time with Him. Pull away and have time with Jesus. Again this can be as creative as you desire it. You might set up a table for two with worship and reading His word being the main course. You might find yourself dancing with the Lord. You might just pull away to your favorite spot at the beach, and journal your heart to the Lord. Whatever this might look like for you and the Lord, I know it will be an amazing date!

4. Make time and set an alarm: When the alarm rings, spend some time and worship or pray right where you are.

5. Work Lunch/School Lunch: Fasting. Instead of eating, use this time to journal, read, pray, worship. Go into your car and pray. Talk with God. Do a bible study. Love on Jesus. Seek His face.

6. Every morning or night make room to talk: Before going to bed, make time to worship and pray. Glorify Him, raise up a Hallelujah. Praise Him for the day and Who He is. Worship Him! When you wake up, pray and worship Him. Thank Him for what He will do. Maybe write in your journal a praise and worship. Raise up a Hallelujah! Set the pace and tone for your day!

7. In Your Car: Before going back into your house, talk to Him. Worship Him. Praise Him. Thank Him.

(Side Note: This car example has always been my favorite time with Him! Best uninterrupted and I can be as loud and crazy as I desire or need to.)

Make time For Jesus throughout your day. When you recognize you have been distracted, pull away, pray, seek the Lord, worship, however you and Jesus do it. Just bring Jesus in it.

Which brings me to the next hindrance/blocker from hearing His voice:

BLOCKER # 3: Non-Surrendered Heart

Jesus ends this verse by saying; "And they FOLLOW Me." THEY. FOLLOW. ME.

Not only do we belong to Him, hear His voice, and not only does He know us and we have a relationship with Him, but Jesus said His sheep FOLLOW Him.

The 3rd major blocker from hearing the Lord's voice that I want to share with you is having a non-surrendered heart to His voice/will in our lives.

Another word for a non surrendered heart would be "stubborn heart." We say we want God, and we desire to hear His voice. But how can we hear His voice and we're not even willing to follow what He has already spoken? -- Its pride! Pride is what got satan kicked out of Heaven. Pride can block the hand of God , because your heart is not in position to receive from God.

God is ALWAYS speaking! And so is this world and the flesh. Who are you willing to listen to?

A very simple example I can give: One time, a few years ago, at a thrift store I found so many blouses and shirts. There were 4 in question. I only had a little amount of $$ that I could spend. So I had to make the choice of which to keep and which to put back. In my heart, I knew I wanted this little red shirt. It was so cute. This is what I wanted so badly. And then, there was this black and white stripped blouse I liked a lot as well, but willing to trade in for that red one. So I sat down, and I asked God, "Lord, which shirts should I keep and put back."

I so desperately wanted Him to agree with me. But I was stubborn. I was so stubborn that I got frustrated and upset with the Lord because, in my opinion, He didn't make His voice clear. What should've taken me 15 minutes was taking me 30 minutes. I said it was a voice of confusion, because I kept hearing a yes and no. Honestly, I knew what He was saying, I just didn't want to admit it with hopes that He would change His mind. Well, He didn't. I asked and He answered. So in defeat, I sat down again, this time I repented. I gave up my right, and in my heart, I let go of what I wanted.

I invited God into the buying situation again, and I asked. This time, my heart was surrendered to His will. And this time, it was clear as ever. I knew I heard Him the last time. And He just confirmed it with so much peace. He then showed me WHY I was to put the red back. It was because I wouldn't wear it and I would be upset. Boy, was He ever right! I tried on that red shirt again, and lifted my arms! My stomach was like, "Girl now you know nobody wants to see this, right?!" LOL The black and stripped shirt I ended up getting became one of my most favorite shirts I took with me on a few ministry trips I took with our team in the beginning! I loved it! - God knows what He's doing!

Another example I can give: In my early years with the Lord, I was learning to hear His voice ALL the time in my daily walk with Him. The college campus I went to school at was only 15 minutes away from home. Every day I would walk to and from school. I would use those moments to talk and pray, worship and laugh with the Lord. He was my Savior, my best friend, my all and all. One day, I am talking with a friend and he starts talking to me about this fight and all kinds of evil things. In my heart, I knew I shouldn't be entertaining this conversation. (In this season of life, God was molding me and my conversations and language-he was shifting me into a new season). Not only did I feel His conviction in my heart that I ignored, I could her His voice in my ear and tangible presence in the center of my outer ear, I knew He was speaking and I knew what He was trying to tell me. Instead of listening, I swiped my ear and said, "Dang Jesus! I know, but I listen to You later, I wanna hear this!" His whisper stopped as my friend and I laughed at my response. BIG MISTAKE! For the NEXT 3 days, I couldn't hear ANYTHING! I remember go down the basement steps, as I said within my heart and thru my lips to Jesus: God! Please speak to me again! I NEED to hear YOU! I'm sorry I said what I said! But I need Your voice in my life! That next moment, I felt His tangible whisper and I heard His voice say "I Love You!" And then He followed and said within in my spirit, "uh huh. Now you understand how important My voice is to you". Lol. I love it when He corrects me! But I learned my lesson that day!

How is your heart's posture? Is it ready to receive from the lord?

Just a quick recap!

1. Jesus said that we HEAR His voice. Each and everyone of us who belong to Him. It doesn't matter how long you have been a part of His flock or what title of position you carry. If you are a child of God, you can hear His voice.

2. Jesus said that He knows His sheep. No matter how near or far, He knows each and every one of us. No one's relationship with Him will look the same. He is a relational God. No need to compare your relationship with the next person's. Keep your focus and attention onto Him. The closer and deeper we grow in intimacy in Jesus, is the more clearer we hear His voice. Distraction will only cause our eyes off of Jesus and our ears back to the world. We must make time to keep our eyes and hearts back to Him.

3. Jesus said we follow HIM! Not only do we hear his voice, and not only does He know us and we know Him, but we also FOLLOW HIM. We surrender our will to His! Our right to His. Having a non surrendered heart will block our hearts and spirit from hearing Him.

There is so much I would love to share with you. So much meat packed into this one scripture verse. I can give so many examples of what I have experienced when learning to hear His voice for myself. But I would also love to hear from you! Tell me below some ways God has confirmed His voice in your life! Are you still unsure? Shoot me a question! I would love to pray for you!

Love you! He loves you more!

-Jennifer Rashell

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