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Hey Friend!

  • Are you needing a fresh encounter from the Lord?
  • Looking for restoration in your relationship?
  • Looking for a deeper way to grow, hear, and connect with God?
  • Looking for clarity and discipline?
  • Do you struggle with growing in intimacy with the Lord?


I encourage you to join me on this 30 Day Prayer Journal Challenge!





February 1, 2024


When I first started to journal back in 2012 all I had in my reach was a green spiral notebook left over from college, a pen, and Jesus. Every day, and every now and then, I wrote out to Him what was on my heart, frustrations, tears, joys, EVERYTHING!


I wrote Him a letter, and in return I received a peace, clarity, understanding, deeper intimacy, and knowing what and how He speaks to me. I learned His voice, His whisper.


Journaling became my safe place that was teaching me how to create / cultivate a secret place in Him.


It had blessed me so much, that I began gifting everyone I knew a personal journal (not a spiral notebook Lol, but an actual legit nice journal) As the Lord led me I would write what Holy Spirit put on my heart to write for that individual.  In their first two pages. I loved seeing their smiles, tears, and seeing their Father’s words touch their hearts.


I’ll admit, although I still pray every day and intercede, and write revelations, dreams and what I go thru, I haven’t written much. Which I know is okay, because back 2012-2014 that was a season. However, I feel a pressing from the Lord to jump back into it!




I believe the Lord is releasing a FRESH FIRE and OIL of restoration upon His people, and I believe keeping a journal will not only record these amazing encounters, but as you return to these pages you will be able to re-live these encounters again and again. I believe recording these encounters will also help you to step in and receive.

If you are someone who currently struggles with discipline, and creating space for God and to move in your life, or if you  have felt any type of separation in your relationship with Him; I believe this challenge will become a healing step forward to restoring that intimacy! This challenge will help you to regain focus, heal the distance that you feel, take authority and fight back against that spirit of hindrance and distraction.


With this challenge, I believe you will begin to:

  • Learn how to create space/room for you and the Lord in your daily life

  • Grow in greater intimacy in Him resulting in hearing Him more clearly

  • Gain clarity and direction in your life


And the list can go on everything is limitless with GOD in it!


*Please remember, your outcome may not look like the next person’s. So this is only a few examples of what this challenge can bring. It depends how much you allow on your part.*


I have prepared a few tips and advice to help you get as much as you can out of this challenge.


My TOP 3 of Advice are as follows:


1. Start to prepare your mind and heart for this challenge. Remember WHY you are joining this challenge!


2. Set a time and place for you and the Lord. Maybe this may take place during your lunch breaks at work and school, maybe when your kids are napping, maybe it's on the fly and you write for the first 5 free minutes you get to yourself finally! As you go through out the challenge, you will see how much easier and important it is to pull away and make that time for the Lord.


3.Be OPEN! Be open for the Lord and whatever He chooses to do IN you and through you! The is the main purpose for this challenge is to grow you in greater intimacy with HIM! #NOLimits! Also, Being OPEN includes NOT HIDING anything! Be honest! Don't limit the work of God in your life! Be ready to receive


If you would like to hear more advice and tips please click the links below! 

I have also created you a FREE DOWNLOAD called Journal Prompts for your journey! Enjoy!

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Are you ready to grow, be equipped, and watch yourself grow from this side of glory over to the next side of Glory?


Then what are you waiting for? Sign  up to join now!


Don’t forget to be a blessing to a friend and share this challenge with them!


Upon signing up, you will receive your first email welcoming you to the challenge! You will receive at least 1 email per week from me as a way to check-in and bring some inspiration to your inbox for that week. On different occasion, if Holy Spirit prompts me to release a word or word of encouragement, you will see that in your inbox as well during this challenge. *Please keep in mind that you are free to opt out/unsubscribe from the emails at any given time!



I am excited you have joined me for this 30 Day Challenge!



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More TIPS/Prep
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© 2023 by JenniferRashell

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