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30 Day Prayer Journal Challenge: Find Your Flow

Updated: Jan 15

One key thing I have learned about keeping a prayer journal is that it is always easiest when you find your flow. Everyone's flow can look different. Finding a flow can keep the "task" at hand not seeming as a chore, impossible, difficult, or not joyousness. Finding a flow can make a task as feeling less as a task, but a pleasure (if that makes sense). It becomes something you enjoy doing, and something that is natural to you.

For me, keeping a prayer journal never seemed as a task, even though it was the Lord Who called me to it at the time. I saw it as a safe place to write my heart's desires and issues to Him, while learning that He still hears me, sees me, knows me, and loves me the same, even if I am writing it down. Many times, as I am writing, I could sense His presence so tangibly and His love for me, that I begin to stop and cry, or I may whisper, sing, shout ...bask in His glory. Sometimes, His Spirit will flow through my heart and hands and they will supernaturally write what He desires me to receive in that moment.

A prayer journal is just another form of creative prayer. It also offers the benefit of a keepsake physical item to record your intimate times with the Lord.

All prayer is conversation with the Creator. It's a dialogue! When you open your heart to Him, you are inviting Him in. This is where intimacy is created. Jesus said in John that He is looking for TRUE worshipers! Those who will worship Him in Spirit and TRUTH. Truth pretty much translates to NOT HIDING ANYTHING! This is INTIMACY. This is what relationship looks like with Him.

Remember in Revelation 3:20 Jesus said, Behold He stands at the door and knocks, and WHOEVER opens the door, He will dine and eat with them. Back in those days, to sup or dine with someone meant to fellowship. He also said "WHOEVER". He never said the person w/out roaches in their house, He never said the most perfect house/person, He never said just the houses of apostles and pastors. No that's not what He said. He said WHOEVER! WHOEVER OPENS THAT DOOR.

Today, you and I are that WHOEVER. And with this challenge, we are opening that door of our hearts no matter how messed up we think it is inside. No matter what people may think or preconceive our hearts to be. No matter how crowded we may feel. No matter how perfect we try to pretend on the outside, while knowing the conditions on the other side of that door. Guess what, Jesus also knows what's on that other side of the door as well. And He knows the transformation, healing, breakthrough, freedom that can take place once He is invited in.

Will you open the door? Will you invite Him in?

Throughout the challenge, you will discover your flow. It will become so natural to you that you may not know you're even doing it. You will see what works best for you and what doesn't. Don't worry about being perfect. Mistakes will happen. But in the mistakes, you will still find Jesus standing there waiting. You might pray in the car and forget to write that day. That's OK, because the major KEY is to open your door to JESUS. Listen for His whisper. When you look up, you'll notice that Jesus is still waiting with a smile on His face, a fire in His eyes and heart that burns for you, and ears ready to hear what you write, sing, and say. That's just the kind of God that we serve!

Below, I have written a little flow of my own that I have learned has helped me. Your life may be a little different than mine, so your flow may look a little different and again, that's totally okay. This is only to give you inspiration. I highly encourage you to seek and pray and see how He leads you. If you would like to try my flow that's totally okay too!

I have 2 Main Flows:

First Flow: SPONTANEOUS I like to carry my journal everywhere with me. So in the spur of the moments if He leads me to write I have a journal and pen already ready for me. Sometimes, I may catch myself in a public place where I am highly upset and frustrated and the only outlet I have is my journal so I pull it out and write it on the pages in letter form. Maybe something exciting happened or a confirmation took place so I would write those down and date and time it.

Second Flow: INTENTIONAL: Before going to bed each night I would make spend sometime with the Lord. Rather I'm ready the bible, praying, dancing, prophetically praying, and releasing stress. I would try to give Him an hour at least. I will pull away and go into my room. Or, I would go into my car and do some prayer. And as I flow and conversate with Him, and worship Him, encounters take place and I will record them. Other times, I might just write with my headphones in listening to some anointed instrumentals. -- Sometimes, I'll write in the morning when I get up and after getting dressed. Maybe on my lunch break at work. These are often times I realize I am able to get to myself. But I will make a plan and fit my plan around Him.

This is a typical walk out for my flow:

Praise and Worship first. This typically will help me to open and flow.

1. Write what is on your heart and mind.

2. Go Deeper: As you write what is on your heart, try to listen to what He is speaking to you.

(He speaks to us in many different ways: Did a scripture address come to mind like John 10:27 for an example? Maybe you heard a soft whisper, or felt a gravitational pull in your heart, maybe an image or video played out in your mind, or a strong sense of knowing. He speaks to us in many ways, it's important to never limit Him. BE OPEN! BE EXPECTANT to hearing His voice for yourself, and the receive! )

3. Even Deeper: After writing what you think or felt Him speak, write your response and HOW you will apply this to your life.

(Now you are creating a conversation, dialogue to the Father as you open your heart even more to what He has spoken. The more you create an open dialogue with the Father, the more it will become a habit of hearing Him in your daily life. You are LEARNING to hear His voice. This is a safe place to do so. --When you write out HOW you are willing to apply this, you are placing yourself in a position of surrendering your will to His. You are giving God your yes, and He will use your Yes in amazing unimaginable ways. The how is not only dependent upon you, but Holy Spirit as your Helper. We can never do this life w/out Him which is why He gave us His Spirit. We are to yield to His Holy Spirit, even if we don't understand it at the time. If you are unsure of HOW to apply His truth to your life, search the scriptures. If you are still unsure, tell Him that. Write, cry, pray and ask for His Spirit of understanding. In due time, all will be revealed.)

4. Now, Surrender and worship! He is King of kings and Lord of lords. If needed, find a worship song to worship and keep your eyes onto Him. Record ANY revelations, thoughts, and encounters you have experienced. Include in your writing if you felt a peace come upon you, or heaviness lifted. Maybe you were reminded of a previous encounter. Did you encounter any healing, did a quote pop to mind? Write it ALL down.

(This will help you to create a habit of seeing your Father move in your everyday life. You are training your heart, mind, and spirit to catch the things and activity of God in your life and receiving it. Apply it!)

Extra: Throughout the day keep this in practice. Yes, the challenge is to write at least once a day, but why limit yourself? Come to Him and sit at His feet whenever you are overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, upset. Write it ALL out. Spill your heart out onto the pages. Then, think / meditate on His glory, kindness, Who He is, what He has already done, and wait upon His presence. He promises that when we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. We just need to take that first step, and He will close in on that distance that we feel that seems to separate us from Him. He will close that gap.

Find Your Flow: I love anointed instrumental music from such artists such as Kyle Lovett and William Augusto in the background as I write in that secret place. However, I also just like to flow in the moment. We're all different , but you find what works best for you!

He just desires to hear from YOU!

Love you, but He loves you more!


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