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30 Day Prayer Journal Challenge: TIPS

Updated: Jan 15

Below are just a few tips I learned from my own experience!


  • Be Real/ Honest- Be real in your journal! Don't think about who will read it, or see or know your business! Be real with yourself. Be real with God. What is going on in your heart? How do you feel? God can break that bondage, but the moment you hold back, you open up to the spirit of fear!

  • Be Open- Be opened to the Lord. Let Him use you in your writing! Be open to hearing His voice! Yes, you can hear Him for yourself! If You belong to Jesus, you have the privilege and honor to hear Him speak to you! And guess what?! Not only does He desire that you speak to Him, but He desires for you to hear Him! (John 10:27)

  • Perfectionism is NOT ALLOWED- Don't worry about having the most beautiful handwriting, or the perfect grammar! Just go with the flow! KEEP WRITING! Don't give your brain enough time to stop and think about mistakes! You can catch them AFTER you're done!

  • Attacks Will Come- Be prepared for attacks from the enemy! He will throw distractions such as TV, fatigue, thoughts, and more! Be prepared!

  • Just for You and God- Don't write with someone reading in mind. Don't write thinking your kids or grand kids in the future will read this. Why? Because, you will limit the authenticity of this special one on one time with the Lord.

  • No Pressure- Take the pressure off of self! Have fun! Be creative! Make mistakes! Life happens! Experience Him in your mess ups!​

  • No special formula- There is no special formula to journaling with your Father in Heaven! Follow His lead! Express your heart on the pages! If you're artsy, paint a picture, use colors! If you're someone who enjoys writing lists, write out a list! The options are limitless!

  • No comparisons- Don't compare your journey to the next person's. That's just it. THIS IS YOUR JOURNEY! Not their's! Have fun! And enjoy the journey! You're journey in this challenge will not look like theirs, and that's OK! In fact, that's what you want. A unique journey hand-picked by God!

  • Safe Place!- When writing what you believe God is speaking to you, write the date and the time and the way it was spoken. Write the result! Did it confirm? If not, that's OK! Because you are LEARNING to hear your Father's voice! It's OK if you get something wrong, at least now you know it is wrong!

  • Hearing Him- As you are writing, and if you feel Him speak, WRITE IT DOWN! Don't take time to pause and THINK if what He said was true! 9 times out of 10 He did speak and you did hear Him! But the moment you begin to pause and wonder if He actually spoke something, you allow fear and doubt to enter! Just write down what you believe He spoke as stated in the Tip above (Mistakes are OK--This is a SAFE PLACE)! Give yourself grace and move through that!

  • Use Journal Prompts- Those days you are stuck and not sure what to write? Use a Journal Prompt to help get the juices flowing! I have created a FREE DOWNLOAD listed below for you so you can have it handy at all times!

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