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Here Comes the Glory : Glory BLOCKERS

"Here comes the glory of the Lord, here comes the glory of the Lord. Here comes the glory of the Lord. Sweeping in the room."

Sometimes, we miss it. We miss the very move of God that could be potentially taking place RIGHT IN THE FRONT OF OUR FACES.

Why? How? Many reasons. Many ways. Many causes. But, for the sake of this post, I will share just a tiny few.

1. We have made God in our lives to become mundane because we have become so familiar with how He moves and shows up in our lives. So, because we have become so familiar, we no longer are child - like when He shows up in our services or when we hear others share their testimonies and encounters. Instead of celebrating with others, we instead whisper in our thoughts: Oh, I've already seen Him do that. I hear Him all the time. I already know that. I'm beyond that.

It's as if we have made knowing Him and how He decides to show up in our services and personal lives as a competition. But we are to desire to see Him in ANY way He desires to show up. EVEN if we have seen Him move like that before. EVEN if we have heard Him speak the SAME truth every day. EVEN if we have grown from that level of glory. We could still always use a reminder. Why not celebrate the fact He has desired to SHOW UP the way He did? Because the truth is, He doesn't have to and has EVERY right not to. But He CHOOSES to! Glory to God! Amen

"Here comes the glory of the Lord, here comes the glory of the Lord. Sweeping in the room."

2. Sometimes, we miss the wave of glory, because we don't want to wait. We want it right now. We don't want to tarry or linger in His presence. Can I tell you something? Sometimes, the BEST encounters or should I say, when I feel the nearest to Him are the times I linger in His presence!

It's okay to linger. It's okay to stay on your knees with tears in your eyes. It's okay to hear His whisper and feel His embrace hold you for a moment and not wanting to let go. So what if the pastor gets on his mic to move on with the service. So what if the next song on your playlist plays. So what if you're still in your car from work and people are looking out the window wondering when you are coming back inside. It's okay that the dinner dishes are in the sink. It's okay that the buzzard for the washer went off. IT'S OK. Just sit, and wait for a second. Wait and SEE. Wait and see God encounter your heart a little deeper. Yes, I said ENCOUNTER YOU. Just like we encounter God, He encounters us. Just like we experience His presence, He experiences ours. And guess what. He wouldn't trade anything in the world to give it up. Remember, He traded His Son's very life for this moment right here. So, stay here for a while. Let Him soak up this moment with you, as you bask in His glory and revelation of His endearment and love for you.

"Here comes the glory of the Lord, here comes the glory of the Lord. Sweeping in the room."

3. Pride and fear. Both pride and fear will cause you to miss the wave of His glory. Pride and fear of many things, including the fear of losing control, opinions of others, being skeptical, and the fear of the unknown.

Both the spirit of pride and fear love to travel with each other. They also love to travel with the spirit of religion. In most cases, you will almost always see religion with these two. But for the sake of this post, I won't hit too deep on this truth. (Even if I have had a past with all 3 of these myself before learning how to be set fully free in worship and fully encounter the Father's heart for myself. I will share about the freedom of worship in a future post. Comment below if this is a topic you will like to read more about!)

Pride and fear will keep you in your seat, looking around, wishing you could "feel" or have what others around you have. You know, the freedom and joy that the lady dancing with the beautiful flag in her hand. The guy jumping up and down with tears in his eyes screaming hallelujah and thank You, Jesus. The lady on the ground faced down soaking it all in. The guy is on his knees rocking back and forth with his hands in the air. While you're looking around, you're thinking: Why can't I feel what they feel? Why can't I see what they're seeing?

Maybe you want to lift your hands, you have this desire to lift your hands, but what if somebody sees you? Maybe you have this urge of wanting to run around the church screaming JESSSUUSSSSSS at the top of your lungs! But, you're afraid of looking stupid.

Maybe, you're lifting your hands, and then swoosh. You have this sudden desire to lift your hands higher, or scream JESSSUUUUSSSS! Let me advise something here... DO IT!!!!! That is Holy Spirit leading you into deeper worship! He is teaching you the love language of His heart. Not because you are doing these things, but because it is in your heart to do it! Oftentimes, when we fall in pursuit and just LET GO and jump in His river, we encounter Him in ways we have yet to experience Him.

But when you are sitting there wondering, wishing, or afraid of letting go of control or looking stupid, we miss out. Not just us, but the Lord. Then we go home and wonder, how come we couldn't feel the joy the lady with the flag had in her heart and on her face. Or the burn of the love of Jesus the guy jumping up and down had.

Pride and Fear are joy robbers. Blessing robbers. Encounter robbers. Don't let satan steal your joy! Remember, David, danced out of his clothes. No fear and pride there! Lol He danced for the LORD, not man!

"Here comes the glory of the Lord, here comes the glory of the Lord. Sweeping in the room."

Challenge: Are you still with me? Good! I have a challenge for you! I want you to listen to this song from YouTube and I want you to get to a place that is just for you and God. Rather that will be in your car, your bathroom, your bedroom, on your break at work. WHATEVER and WHEREVER. God will be wherever you are, because His Spirit lives in you!

As you listen, I encourage you to allow your heart to encounter His. This is a safe place.If you feel like raising your hands, lift them. If you get the urge to kneel, then kneel. You might get a vision, let it roll. -- As you worship, I want you to think about all Who He is, and what He has done for you, your family, and your friends. Begin to thank Him. Declare His glory to the heavens. I DARE you NOT want to raise your hands. I DARE you NOT want to shed a tear. -- Please don't be a dare-taker! I want to encourage you in these things. WHY? Because pride and fear WILL HAVE TO LEAVE when you encounter the glory and presence of the Lord.

When you encounter the presence and heart of God, nothing is ever the same! Chains are broken. Hearts are healed. Healings of all kinds take place. Breakthrus take place. Restoration takes place. Truth is revealed. AMEN!

HIS GLORY IS ALWAYS SWEEPING in the room where He is invited! Where He is worshiped! Worship Him! Become child-like in your faith again! Linger in His presence. And always feel free to let loose and encounter His joy!

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