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Count It As Joy

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

Fighting the Good Fight of FAITH

James 1:2-4 (New King James Version)

My brethren, count it all joy when you find yourself in various trials, knowing the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

I never thought this would happen to me! NEVER IN MY LIFE. Who am I kidding, yes I did. But I never imagined it would happen as quick as it did, or the way that I would finally respond to it as quickly as I am.

I know you may be wondering, “Girl, what are you talking about?” Alright, let me gone ahead and spill the tea….on ME.

Lately, every one that are really close to me have been telling me how I think the worst of things no matter what it was, and I would always tell them that it’s not true. But in actuality, I knew that I did. We even joke about it a lot. In my own mind, I believed that these worst of things are what kept me safe. I.E. not swimming with sharks even if we are in a cage and it’s only attracted to scent of blood, I will NOT put myself in that predicament to even try and see if that is true. It would just so happen the moment I decide to do the stupid thing and go down there that a dead fish is floating my way and here comes the new sequel to JAWS starring yours truly!

Nor would I go water skiing because number 1, this girl right here can barely swim, I can dogie paddle but I’m no Michael Phelps. Number 2, I am supposed to trust that the people driving the boat know what to do in case my cord happens to be the weaker cord of that day and it snaps. Or let’s just say I lost my balance, and Jenny here can’t swim as it is. Not to mention I have seen countless videos of people losing their balance all the time, but I never seen the safety process of what they do to help that victim from being Freddy the Shark’s early appetizer.

Okay, maybe they’re right. I may think the worst of many things. But often times, this thinking has helped me make wise decisions and saved my butt, and other times…..whelp.

Let me catch you to speed. In 2017 God gave me the opportunity to travel with my spiritual father and be part of his ministry team. We traveled to places like Texas, California, Oklahoma, Iowa just to name a few. We drove the whole way. I helped with praying and releasing words of God as He led and more. We had host homes where people opened their homes for our team and we got to minister to them and they to us. It was a blessed experience. Especially to travel again. It brought many memories when I used to travel a lot with CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) when I was in college.

God showed me He opened this door to teach me about traveling ministry and where He was taking me. There are so many things I have learned about ministry on the front scenes as well as behind the scenes.

Later in 2018, God then gave us the call to make the move to California. My heart was for Florida and at this time, I was preparing my heart and spirit for Florida. California was nowhere on my radar. After much prayer and fighting, I finally surrendered my desires and answered the call and said Yes,

This called led me to leave my 9-5 job, and use the money that I partially saved up for the move. The journey from moving one place and transition to another was not a easy one. Nonetheless, I said Yes. I saw the spiritual need, and I felt God’s heart for California. We stopped midway and moved to TX for a year to help out a church. This transition ate up my savings, my car started to have issues that I had to get another vehicle that caused more financial issues, and I dealt with crazy warfare as you could imagine. The warfare intensified with all the witchcraft that is stationed there at that town. But time and time again, God saw me thru.

After a year in Texas we finally finished the move to TX. Soon as we made the move, covid took place. Life as we knew it shifted, so did my plans. “Okay, Lord. I’m here. Now You provide, cause CA aint cheap and neither are my car payments.” My car insurance ran out and needed CA insurance which were crazy expensive. God led me to a job that helped me with rent and utilities and later, they decided to cut my hours and kept cutting them that led me struggle with my car payments and the comfort of life. The very car that I believed God led me to get in TX. “Thank You that rent and utilities are covered, but God I need you to bless my car payments, insurance, money to save up for this business You’re putting on my heart, the necessities of life, phone bill, to give to others, AND to have some money I can at least go out once a month and get a $10 meal know, some comfort money..but none the less, I still say Yes, Lord.”

I kept believing the worst that my car will eventually get repossessed. Every time I had the thought, I would rebuke it, or ignore it. But I wouldn't dwell on it. That’ll never happen, Jenny. Impossible. God led you to get this car. So I’m praying and believing for better and a turn around in my finances, even though I couldn't pay my full car payment, at least I can pay $100. Every time I walked past my car, I touch it and pray over it, claiming it will not be a burden because it is a gift from God. 3x God will tell me gather my things out of it and prepare it to be moved. So I'm thanking Him and believing Him that a turn around will take place and I will finally get some more insurance to take my baby back out onto these CA streets.

Last week, I had just so happened to just go upstairs to get ready for bed for the next day. I had plans to finally get my car washed, and gather my things just as He said 2 weeks ago. Soon as I laid down, I hear yelling “Her door is locked, I can’t get in.” Knock, Knock, Knock. “Yea” I said.

“They’re towing your car outside.”

“No they’re not. Are you joking?”

“We’re not even joking.”

I get up not thinking they are serious, all of a sudden, I felt Holy Spirit’s surge of energy and urgency hit me.

"Hurry! Get Your keys!!"

As I’m coming down the steps, I yell to them loudly, "yah are lying!"

"No we’re not. Look outside."

"Ah man! Are you serious! Crap!"

I go outside with my robe on. The guy seemed nice and gentle and patient with me. Had to be a God send. I think he felt really bad for me. He answered all my questions and allowed me to get all my stuff out before he goes.

PRAISE BREAK HERE! I hear that many times they wont even do that!

I get all my stuff out, everyone on our team come out to help. Derrick, my spiritual Father, helped me thru it that whole night. Telling me to make sure I checked the consoles, get all my papers even if its trash. Jess, his daughter my sister helps me bring a lot of the things in, Bub her brother also comes. Neil our brother just getting back in from work, Nena my spiritual mom helps as well. Man, where would've I been w/o them.

Derrick tells me how he was just about to go to bed, but something told Him not to yet and that's when he saw the lights of the tow truck.

Praise Break here again!

After we all went inside, I CRIED! Cried from fear, cried from not knowing whats next, cried from feelings of defeat...CRIED. I was upset and disappointed in God for a second. Then I remembered, just 3 days ago, Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit and reminded me:

James 1:2-4 to Count it ALL Joy when you fall into various trials….

and then BOOM! This happens...Something I never imagined would happen to me, but that it did.

The next day I cried, because I started to judge all my mistakes, and what I could've or should've done differently.

The third day, something else took place. I asked God to help me separate the soul tie between me and this vehicle. I started to remember the scripture Matthew 6 and how our lives are MORE than the food we eat and clothes we wear. But that we had real purpose. I started remembering the visions that took place and scriptures Holy Spirit whispered to me leading up to the events that took place that night. He had already told me that this was going to happen, and if I listen to my spirit, I am actually at peace. I felt a huge burden lifted off my shoulders the night it happened.

I noticed a stillness, a gentleness, and a quietness that took place in my heart, mind, my spirit and soul. I was in peace. I knew this was the Lord’s doing. The worst finally happened and I was ..OK. I knew that God was healing me. Everyday on my way to the same place of work, I prayed and sought God. The spirit of distraction was gone. And you know what, I thank God because even now, I realized how unhealthy I was with the car. Just a couple days ago I prayed and said to the Lord thank You for taking the car away. If it was creating a wedge between Him and I, I would rather him take that car than to find out later that a huge distance between God and I was formed.

Now I am more clear, more at peace than what I was during the season. I’m not sure what God’s plans are from here, but I do know that I can trust Him. He is STILL faithful and STILL good, and STILL God, and He STILL reigns on the throne. Regardless of what I face, I will still choose to Trust Him, I will STILL love Him, STILL believe Him, STILL worship Him, because He is STILL good and STILL matter what this life looks like here on earth. Earth is not my home. He is.

So just remember, no matter where you are or find yourself in life, He is still God, still faithful and He is still with you! He loves you, and so do I!

Have a Blessed night!

-Jennifer Rashell

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