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5 Truths for the Girl That Loves God

1. Lie: Put Your Good face on, Girl!

"You have to look like you have it ALL put together! So, put your good face on, girl! "

TRUTH:It's OK to not be OK!

As women of God, let's just face it. Sometimes, we'll have the best of days, and sometimes, we'll have days when we feel like we're in such a funk. Just because we are women of God, doesn't mean that we're also exempt of temptations, or spiritual warfare, or days we just don't feel like our best. But, you can view this time as an opportunity to experience

your Father's undying love for you ONCE more! This is an opportunity for you to sit at His feet, and share with Him about the day you're having. And watch Him give you His peace in exchange for that funk (Phil.4:6-7) Hey, this is RELATIONSHIP! What did you think?!

2. LIE: You Vs. Her

"Look at how she reflects God. Listen to how she prays. She has it all put together. There's definitely a blessing coming her way. Too bad you're not as close to God as she is."

TRUTH: You're LOVED Already

You are loved and desired by the Father already. No need to work for it. You no longer have to compare yourself to other women (people in general) You are the apple of His eye. He LOVES YOU! There's nothing you can do to make Him love you more, or any less than He does, because, He already loves you more than your mind can even fathom! Our personal relationships with Him may look differently than it does with others, because He's a relational Father. How you love Him or relate to Him, will not look the same how I love/relate to Him. Only YOU can love Him the way you do! And vice versa for the next girl! No one can sing your praises for you! No one can tell or show Him how you Love Him like you do! So, stop comparing! He created you uniquely and beautifully! Love Him with your uniqueness!* Rest in His love, my dear one! No need to work or live for it!

3. LIE: He cant see you, or hear you! What did you do?!

"God loves sistah girl over there. He's blessing her with breakthrough after break through! Guess He forgot you needed a breakthrough too


You my dear sister are never alone or forgotten in the Lord's sight, no matter how you or the situation may feel! Just because it doesn't "feel" like things are working out the wayyoudesire to see them fit, doesn't mean He has forgotten you. Just because you may be in a season where it's hard to hear him, doesn't mean He isn't speaking. Just because it doesn't seem like you're prayers are being answered, doesn't mean H hasn't, or that He doesn't care. Just because you made a mistake, or are distracted in life, doesn't mean He's ignoring you.

He hears you even when it's just your heart's cry (silent prayer, silent tears) Why? Because, He knows you! He LOVES YOU! His eyes are forever on YOU! He LOVESand cherishes you greatly. He created you with the intent to lavish HIS love upon YOU! Even when it looks like someone else is getting every one of their prayers answered, and God seems silent when it comes to you, God STILL has His eyes on you. His thoughts are always good towards you! He loves you and is closer to you than you think. It's in these moments that you need to see Him, His heart for you, sit in His presence, and just BE! Sometimes, feeling forgotten by God is the result of comparison, and even trying to fill voids in your life that ONLY HE can fill! Your heart was created for Him, and not things! He loves you, He cares for YOU!Trust in His heart for you. Not what you see, but what you know & BELIEVE! Gaze your eyes upon Him again! He LOVES YOU! His HEART beats for YOU!! You my dear sis, are never forgotten!

4. Lie: You are SO weak! Look at you!

"Look at EVERYTHING you are doing wrong! You are not strong, in fact there isn't any strength in you left! Why would you tell yourself you're strong, if this area in your life over here is so weak! Look at you, you still haven't conqueror this area in your life!"

TRUTH: You're Stronger than You Think

We all hit our weak moments in life. Satan loves to dangle our weaknesses in our faces. Just remember, you are stronger and wiser than you think. Satan knows your strengths, and causes distraction by reminding you of your weaknesses. Remember in Jesus, you have all the strength you need! He IS the strength in our weaknesses! Instead of being focused on what you are doing wrong, or focused on your weaknesses, focus on Jesus! He is YOUR victor! He IS victorious, and He LIVES within you! So, you are victorious by default. Don't let satan steal your joy, or cause you to believe something that is false (such as 'you are your weakness') instead, tell him Who Your VICTOR IS! And serve satan the eviction notice of those thoughts! Always remember, inspite of your weaknesses, YOU ARE STRONG IN JESUS!

5. Lie: There's no point of holding on! Just give up!

"You've been here too long! God is not gonna let up! You must have made Him upset sometime down the line. Just give up, and fix it yourself. There's no point of hoping He'll show up. If He was gonna show up, He'll do it already! "

TRUTH: Purpose for your Break Through

No matter what you are going through, you are NEVER alone! Not only do you have Jesus, but you have sisters in Christ who are with you, fighting for you on your behalf, even when you're not around them! God constantly puts you on their hearts to keep you in prayer. You're not the only one going through, nor will you be the last. Once you've received your break through, remember there was a purpose for it... to help the next sister!

Were there any lies you've recognized in this list? Maybe, you know more lies that has spread through the body of Christ that needs to be recognized and the TRUTH that combats them! If so, please share by commenting below!!! Let's EXPOSE them!

God Bless you sisters,

Always with Love,

Jennifer Rashell

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